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Adopted – Jagger (6yrs 8mths / neutered)

Jagger arrived in our care on 21.12.23 after being found wondering the streets of a town in Cheshire which means we know nothing of his history (behaviour or medical).  We started to get to know him today (23.12.23) when he had a trip out of the kennels to spend some time with me and Cora (neutered Dalmatian).

After his initial ‘busy’ sniffari around the kitchen and garden he proved to be a calm gentle boy around me and with the things I gave him to interact with. I forgot to put the ‘sofa blockers’ on which he took advantage of; I turned around to find him having a very comfy snooze.   Whilst he was on the sofa I went to and opened the fridge, went and petted Cora and opened the door to the garden – he was clearly relaxed as he didn’t move…he’s not daft!  It’s not ideal for a new dog to have sofa access when first coming into a new home so I was careful with my do’s and don’ts and once he was off I didn’t allow him back on.

I gave him one of the deer antlers gifted to the Dobies by one of fabulous members (thank you), he took it very politely from me and chose to settle immediately on a mat near my feet, it might seem like nothing but it was a lovely moment.

What we’ve seen so far

  • People:  friendly with everyone he has met, the kind gentleman who picked him up and brought him to us, the kennel staff and me
  • Other dogs:  for the first meeting with Cora I kept them segregated (in the kitchen by way of a pet-gate and in the garden by way of a fence), initially he barked at Cora but as the day went on this ceased and he was calm and able to focus around her or be called away; by the end of the day he wasn’t that interested in her.  We suspect he may display some lead frustration around other dogs but believe that slow instructions to a bitch would be successful.
  • Travels well in the car:  he went willingly with the guy who found him, he travelled on the back seat with his head on the chap’s lap (two other guys had the front seats).  Today he was happy jumping and out of my car crate and travelled well.
  • Home alone:  we did some basic crate entry, exit and duration training which he excelled at and then I took Cora out for a walk.  He barked from a ‘down’ position for about 50 minutes but then settled for a sleep.  He didn’t try to chew or paw at the crate, he wasn’t spinning or moving around in an agitated way, so with time the barking is likely to reduce once he gets used to the routines in a home.  He doesn’t appear to be a ‘chewer’ of personal belongings so it might be safe to leave him home alone without the need for a crate.
  • Cats:  unknown.  I do have cats and he was a little distracted at times by their intermittent appearances (they kept their distance and in a safe zone).  He was especially distracted when we were doing some loose lead practice on the road…why do they insist one coming to spectate?!
  • House training:  no accidents or ‘marking’ in the home today
  • Likes:  cuddles & food

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