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frequently asked questions

How does the adoption process work?

You can find all the infromation about the adoption process here

How do I become a fosterer?

You can find all the information about fostering a Dobie here

How do I rehome my Dobie?

You can find all the information to rehome your Dobie here

How can I vounteer to help the charity?

You can find all the information about volunteering with the charity here

Can I get involved in fundraising for the charity?

There are a host of fundraising ideas to be found here

Can I make a monthly donation to help the charity?

If you wish to make a monthly donation to us, you can become a Dobie Mate, all the details can be found here

How do I donate to the charity?

Just click the big blue button at the top or bottom of the page or go here

How do I leave a legacy to the charity in my will?

All aspects of leaving a legacy to the charity are explained here

My company would like to support the charity is this possible?

We would be delighted to welcome your company to be one of our supporters, the details can be found here.