• People:
– jumps on strangers when they first come into the home then lies on top of them
– excited to meet strangers outside of the home
– lived with children ages (8 & 10yrs) – gets a bit over excited around them…when they are also hyper!
– never shown any signs of resource guarding food or toys around people
– Has never exhibited any of the following behaviours: growled / shown teeth / snapped / bitten anyone
• Other dogs: on lead – will bark and pull toward wanting to play / never been off lead outside of the garden
• Crate trained
• Can be left home alone (4hrs+)
• Travels well in the car
• Cats: unknown / Rabbit: likes to look at the rabbit in the other part of the garden – he could jump the fence but hasn’t…so far! / Livestock: untested
• No issues with fast moving objects (e.g. cars, joggers & cyclists)
• Loves: his leather football / ripping up soft toys to get the squeaky thing out / lying on kids trampoline or jumping around on it
• Has chewed a trainer, but this was in the first few days and hasn’t done it since
• Food orientated / likes raw carrot, banana, apple
• Special feature: “he’s a big softie”
There are some more photos and videos in the dogs album on our Facebook page (1) Dobies at Lincs Dobermann Rescue | Facebook please check them out.