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Adopted – Reggie (18mths)

This handsome lad would be staying with his current owner, but she has been diagnosed with cancer which is sadly incurable therefore during treatments and going forward she is unable to meet his needs.

  • People:  friendly with visitors to the home and strangers outside of the home / limited exposure around children / he might jump up when over excited
  • Other dogs:  friendly on and off lead / sometimes barks at entire males / can be boisterous
  • House trained
  • Travels well in the car
  • Can be left home alone
  • Has used a crate in the past but now sleeps on ‘his sofa’.  He is only permitted on ‘his sofa’ no other furniture.
  • Cats:  he once got hissed at by one on a walk and now seems nervous of them
  • Livestock:  he has had exposure to sheep, cows, and horses. He is generally fine around these animals however he will get excited if sheep start running (he will chase)
  • Training:  whilst the original owner was in hospital for 6 weeks he went into residential training.  They worked on his loose lead walking and impulse control (e.g., jumping up when over excited)

Check out his album on our Facebook page ‘Dobies at Lincs Dobermann Rescue’ for more photos and some videos of the handsome lad.

If you are interested in adopting this handsome lad please submit an adoption application.

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