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There are some more photos in the dogs album on our Facebook page (6) Dobies at Lincs Dobermann Rescue | Facebook, please check them out.

  • Good with adults and children in the home – lived with 6 children aged between 1 and 18 years
  • Good with visitors to the home
  • Good with children outside the home
  • Can sometimes be wary of men outside the home
  • Crate trained – sometimes just sleeps in the kitchen
  • House trained
  • Not particularly interested in toys, gives them up easily
  • Will destroy her bed
  • Travels well in the car with a harness and restraint
  • Has never shown signs of resource guarding food or toys
  • Has never exhibited any of the following behaviours: growled / shown teeth / snapped / bitten anyone
  • Doesn’t like the hosepipe or a mop
  • Can be nervous of loud noises
  • No adverse behaviours around dogs on or off lead – likes to play
  • Not tested around livestock
  • Not cat tested
  • Recall is sketchy
  • Can sometimes pull on the lead – walks on flat collar and lead
  • Likes to bark at birds
  • Likes to chase squirrels

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