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Adopted – Arya (4mths)

Update: adoption pending with one of our Dobie Mates. Dobie Mates are the amazing people who contribute monthly to the rescue. If you would like to become a Dobie Mate please email us and let us know:

Arya is a litter mate of the gorgeous Enya who was fostered by Sharon and Andy Jackson who has since moved on to her forever home and is doing great.

Arya is currently in foster care, learning how to be independent of her litter mates and building confidence around new people, smells and the environment.

  • People:  friendly but cautious at first – let her approach in her own time and she’ll give she’ll snuggle in for a fuss
  • Other dogs:  she met Cora (neutered Dalmatian) on the day she arrived in foster care, and after a hesitant start, and a bit of encouragement and time she relaxed enough to potter around with her in the garden…she didn’t seem very interested in her…too many other novelties to explore / other dogs – unknown
  • Environmental socialisation:  this was limited before she came to us but now, she’s in foster care this is obviously changing; she’s initially cautious but with encouragement and patience her confidence grows
  • House training:  it’s still an on-going project, she’s doing well however you’ve gotta keep your eyes on her as she might run back into the house (from the garden) for a wee, and she does tend to toilet right outside the back door!
  • Crate training:  likes to protest for a few minutes but then settles / sleeps through the night / happy when left home alone in her crate / it’s the use of the crate that has made the biggest difference with her house training – she is clean in her crate and understands her first task when she comes out is to go to the back door to be let out to the toilet
  • Travel:  short distances she has been fine
  • Cats:  untested
  • Vaccinations:  started, follow up jabs due around 26th July

This is a wonderful opportunity to carry on the fabulous start her foster carers have given her.

Please submit an adoption application, via our website, if you are interested in adopting Arya.

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