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foster a dobie

Foster carers quote: “often challenging, always rewarding”. 

Are you up for the challenge and to reap the reward of knowing that you’ve helped ready a Dobie to join a forever home?

The cost of fostering: LDR cover the costs of everything from food to equipment, veterinary care and anything else the dog needs to help ready it for its forever home. The only cost to you is your time.

What are the key things you can expect:

  • The unexpected. Dogs are unlikely to have been assessed by us before they arrive in your care; we will only know what the previous owner has told us. It is unlikely that a balanced healthy Dobie is going to need fostering as these are the dogs we can usually find homes for quickly. So you will need to be prepared to deal with the following:
    • poor manners; setting clear boundaries
    • dogs that the owners tell us are unable to be left home alone; crate training will be an important part of the process in readying a dog for its forever home. This can mean some sleepless nights
    • under socialisation to the environment and or other dogs and people
    • leash frustration
  • Trips to the vet, medication and treatments to bring the dog back to good health
  • Disruption to your normal routine and freedoms

If you have another dog in the home, it will need to be neutered. You will also need to have the capacity to segregate the resident dog and foster dog should things not work out between them.

Taking all of the above into account, if you feel you can help by offering your time to foster, then click to confirm and fill in the form.